Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Are focus groups doing a good enough job?

If you regularly find yourself behind a focus group mirror as an observer, we are hoping you will use this blog to share your thoughts about their effectiveness, value and role. When it comes to unearthing fresh insight and fuelling inspired, innovative and productive strategies, are focus groups working hard enough? Or do they regularly leave you (secretly or openly) wishing for something different, something more? Take our poll on the right, and then tell us what's working, what isn't and what qualitative research needs to get better at.


Anonymous said...

Year after year I keep on eating those veggies and dips in the back room and hoping for something they all call 'insight'. Beginning to think there's no such thing.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why so many people have problems with Focus Groups but they all keep doing them. They're like a drug. We're all too scared to stop.

Anonymous said...

The last time i was behind the mirror there was so much talking there i couldn't hear anything the focus group participants were saying. Nobody back there seemed interested. Don't know if this is common or not. It was a waste of my time that night.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you, Anon, that nobody's interested because they've heard it all before. With all the new stuff happening out there I can't believe we still do this. People don't know how to think anymore.